Another bummer is clothes!!! Alot of places do not allow you to try or exchange, so don't bother dreaming about a refund!
Some places that sell trainers have the trainers sealed in clear plastic wrap, how can you get a feel for the shoe. Recently I got an item which was wrapped, I assumed it was glossy because it looked that way beneath the wrapping, however when I unwrapped it, it turned out to be matt.
For digital products its even more annoying, they cant show you if the product actually functions unless you are paying for it! So once you've paid and found the functions not suited to you, your doomed!
Anyway heres the newspaper version in English and Chinese!
The Chinese article is much more juicy, one shopper was asked to GET OUT for window shopping!
There was feedback on the local television interviewing people about their views in HK, I felt that they only broadcasted the people with postive comments and if I was interviewed, I would probably say positive stuff about hong kong to get on TV!
Source: The Standard
Store spies trash popular HK shopping streets
Kelly Ip Wednesday, January 04, 2012
A secret survey of 30 world-famous shopping streets puts Hong Kong in 29th place because of the unfriendly attitude of salespeople and poor hygiene.
Singapore's Orchard Road tops the list followed by Luxembourg's Liberty Avenue.
A French company sent shopping spies to more than 400 stores in 30 popular shopping streets and asked them to grade their experiences, including customer service and restrooms.
Orchard Road scored high marks in nearly all areas, with excellent customer service in most stores and ultra-clean streets.
The Champs Elysees in Paris ranked only 16th. Researchers reported that customer services in most stores were unsatisfactory and the salespeople did not smile enough.
The results show that while 60 percent of salespeople in the 30 shopping streets were well-mannered, about 30 percent chit-chatted with colleagues in front of customers.
More than 70 percent of all shopping streets offered cultural activities, including concerts.
Also, road construction work being carried out in a large number of shopping streets affected the overall grading to a certain extent, the report said.
The French company conducted a similar survey in 2005 but that only involved 17 shopping streets. Hong Kong was not among them, but Beijing's Wangfujing Avenue was on the list.
In that survey, Madrid's Calle Serrano came out top while Wangfujing was bottom.
Tourism lawmaker Paul Tse Wai-chun said he was disappointed with the result of the latest survey, although he was not surprised. He said the most popular shopping streets in Hong Kong are Nathan Road, Queen's Road Central and Canton Road, but none of them has a special feature to attract tourists.
"I also fear that customer service in Hong Kong is moving backward," he said.
"This means not only that pedestrians are unhelpful, but also the overall attitude of Hong Kong people."
Hong Kong's service industry should concentrate on hospitality and be equally helpful to both mainland and Western customers, he added.
"We should not ask visitors to speak in our language, but we should try to speak in theirs."
Source: Sharp Daily HONG KONG
香港人唔Nice 購物天堂變地獄
齋睇被叫「Get Out」
英國的Stella更慘,試過挑選飾物只過了五分鐘,店員可能覺得她「齋睇唔買」,叫她「Get Out」(離開)。來自澳洲的Danielle則不明白,為何香港的時裝店可以不設試身,她只好無奈放棄心儀的裙子。
英國的Stella更慘,試過挑選飾物只過了五分鐘,店員可能覺得她「齋睇唔買」,叫她「Get Out」(離開)。來自澳洲的Danielle則不明白,為何香港的時裝店可以不設試身,她只好無奈放棄心儀的裙子。
Although I am not fond of Singapore, but was surprised it is better than Hong Kong!
But one thing I believe is that they follow the British and therefore they would have better customer services.
Frankly I don't know how 項明生 could quote Singapore has less variety than HK, but there are more shops and restaurant in Singapore which are not available in HONG KONG such as Long Johns, Top Shop and many others!
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